Hello to everyone that is returning and also to anyone who is joining us for the first time. I am delighted to announce that Lady Gaga Now is finally back online.
The last year has brought many challenges to everyone. It has been a difficult year for us here at Lady Gaga Now. The shock of having your life's work erased from existence brought me many challenges and left me in a position where I could really take the time to reflect on the future.
It's no secret that GagaNow made many enemies on its path to today, but I never thought they would harm the whole community. To be honest, the hate never bothered me as I'm a very positive person by nature. However, this time they hit at the core and it hurt. The pain presented me great difficulties, but also made me reflect about how I wanted to move forward. Everyone knows that I care about about Little Monsters' welfare, but most of all I believe in Lady Gaga's message of kindness and positivity. And so I decided to start everything again with a new purpose. I want this community to be kinder and open. I want your stories, art, and voices to be heard, and I hope I'll manage to give each one of you, the space and respect you all deserve. I want the intention of Lady Gaga Now to be the driving force in how it differentiates itself from its competition.
I do not think that what I do here is better than other places, it is just different. Different in its purpose.
With this new goal in mind the amazing team that worked so hard day and night to bring back everything in record time was able to recover more than 7 years of work in just 5 months. This includes all 140,000+ images in GAGAIMAGES, all the latest articles, and many more surprises that I will now briefly explain.
Thank you for sticking with us, I will forever be grateful for your endless support.
Thank you to everyone who sent donations to help us recover the website so fast.
Thank you to Lady Gaga's team, especially the superlative Bobby Campbell who believes in our community and gave me the strength to go forward.
Enjoy the journey and welcome back!
A New Domain
You might have noticed our website is now reachable at GAGANOW.NET. Starting from the new year we are going to slowly move from our previous domain ladygaganow.co. With this new rebranding, GagaNow.Net is will be our new official domain.
GAGAIMAGES is coming along, and will now be available at GAGAIMAGES.NET
The Dashboard
The new GagaNow homepage will be your new favorite homepage!
In this new one-in-all dashboard, you'll quickly find the latest news, upcoming events, the latest pictures on GAGAIMAGES, and the main feed from the forum. We also added a special place to highlight the most talented artist in this fanbase.
We will periodically sponsor the most talented monsters giving them a platform so they can be noticed and uplifted by others in the fanbase.
The Layout
The layout of a website is almost as important as its content. For a web developer like me, it has been so challenging to create a total new experience that still felt familiar. So I'm happy to show you the 3 new themes of GagaNow.net. You can pick them using the new button on the top bar.
The new Chromatica layout has been developed to give you the most colorful experience possible. Following the most modern Flat Style Design, this theme features a rainbow animation up to reflects Lady Gaga's latest album cycle.
If you are a person who loves options, you can explore Lady Gaga Now by changing it to the Dark Chromatica theme. Enjoy this dark fantasy with a layout created for viewing in low lit areas.
We also have a new theme called Day which is a fantastic way for you to experience the website as well in its lightest and fastest form.
The Forum
The creature that has been worked on the most is the forum. Thank you to a veteran monster, @Twitter, I've revamped our forum to give you a brand new, safe, and positive space to discuss your favorite topics. Kindness is the key here at Lady Gaga Now does not allow any forms of racism, xenophobia, discrimination. Anything deemed as bullying or hateful will result in consequences. We are here to uplift, inform, and experience together.
Joining discussions on the forum will also grant you special powers on the community, such as lifting the download limit on Gagaimages, the possibility to use GIFS or a cover picture on your profile and gain access to a special section on the gallery.
Lady Gaga Now + The Mighty
I'm very proud of this one.
In the last few months we have lost one too many Little Monsters due to suicide. It is incredibly heartbreaking to read their story for such a long time and having the knowledge that it is now too late to do anything. The truth is that it is never too late to help the others. I've seen with my own eyes that this fanbase has a good and kind soul. Monsters writing "my dms are open" or "please talk to me if you need to", are the the ones who embrace better the spirit and message of Lady Gaga and Lady Gaga Now. I've been working hard to give a safe space and a voice to those fans who might need support and do not know where to find it. We want to help as much as we can.
Thanks to our friends at the Born This Way Foundation, we were put in contact with The Mighty so we are now able to offer a safe place. The Mighty is an association and an online community whose main goal of giving a space to people who are in need, want to share their stories, and want to be heard. Thanks to their amazing community, hundreds of people have been able to support each other by joining the online video groups and message groups.
Lady Gaga Now will now offer a similar experience in the forum. It is an extension provided by The Mighty community. I'm also working on an anonymous way of posting so that those who are more shy can feel comfortable. For now, you can still share your story behind your private account.
More details of our collaboration with The Mighty will come soon.
In the meantime join their community, or download their mobile app. It's really worth it.
The Forum Game
We are here to keep you engaged!
At first I thought leaks and outtakes was the best way to keep people interested, but following the Billboard news-drama that I delivered back in January, and the sudden leak of Stupid Love I didn't feel comfortable anymore about sharing details about upcoming plans as Lady Gaga Now is a respectful place to everyone, including Lady Gaga and her team. So I decided to step back and give you guys something with a real value: prizes.
Starting January 2021, the forum will host a new type of giveaway:
Every two weeks, the most active user will receive a special prize from us. The two most active users will receive a Golden Pit Standing tickets to the Chromatica Ball in Paris each.
To join the game, you simply have to post and reply on our forum. Each new topic will grant you 3 points, replies and positive reactions will grant you 1 point. Posting in the Mental Health section will grant you 5 points for each new topic, and 3 points for each answer.
Spamming, receiving negative reactions, or posting toxic comments will make you loose points or get disqualified from the game. The users atop the leaderboard will win one prize from the drawing. A small leaderboard will be always available on the dashboard and on the forum. Our LGN Mobile App will feature a complete leaderboard.
Each user can win up to 1 prize during the whole game. However, even those who already won something can still win the final prize.
The game is open worldwide. The tickets will be delivered on the venue to ensure that they don't get resold. If the concert will get cancelled we will try to find replacement prizes. We reserve the right to cancel a win at any time.
Here are the prizes.
The Gallery
GAGAIMAGES is back! The original and most updated Lady Gaga gallery on the whole web is now available for everyone to use.
The main set of pictures will be available to everyone for free. Candids and pictures from the events will be available only to users with an active account on the website. All pictures have now been resized to deliver a faster experience, so do not worry if you open a picture and it doesn't looks massive as before. The original pictures are always available after you'll click the "download button".
To avoid batch downloading I set a limit to 50 daily downloads and 5GB of traffic from each user. The limits resets every 24 hours.
The MEME section is also back, feel free to upload all the gaga-related memes in your gallery!
Thank you to my new team of collectors @hiimer0s, @Pabllo, @GagaXCollection, @Juan & @dayvisxn for helping me re-upload and re-ordering ALL albums by date. This fanbase should make you all a statue!
Also, you might want to look at some albums in the next day, you might find some surprises.
The App
The LGN Mobile App will soon be back online on the App Store as well as for Androids in the Play Store along with the loved notification system.
Unfortunately Apple reviewers are on holiday, so the app will be on again from earlier January. But don't worry, as soon as it will be operative we will start working on it to make the mobile experience even bigger with games, a gallery, and much much more!
The Welcome Back Giveaway
To celebrate the re-opening of Lady Gaga Now, we teamed up with Instagram artist GagaStackFigure to gift you an exclusive Lady Gaga action figure. We will randomly pick a user that will join our forum starting today to December 31. You must follow GagaStackFigures on Instagram as well.
The user will be picked on Instagram and the figure will be sent later in January as soon as Amaury, the artist, will print his next creation.
Good luck!
I really hope you guys enjoy the new website, I developed everything with love. I really can't wait to hear your feedbacks. Your messages and reviews are always welcomed, just like your help. The leak section has been moved under "contact us", a new section that everyone can use to reach out to us, wether is to ask for help, send us media or let us know about something we missed.
What's Coming Next
There is always something to do. Ideas keep coming and the Lady Gaga Now team take all of our projects incredibly seriously. We are about them and put our everything into it. We are working hard to bring back our merchandise shop so that we can give platforms to young designers. We just ask you to be patient, many other stores have popped up, and many other will come, but we assure you that the quality you'll find with us won't be available elsewhere.
With that said, we have many secret projects coming soon! And with new Lady Gaga music on the way in the new year we hope we will manage to keep you guys entertained!
Thank you everyone, Stay safe.
Thank you to my LadyGagaNow family
Without you, I would be nothing. Thank you for allowing me to sleep at night.
@Stefani, @Abderrahmenxo, @Chelsea, @dpasa86, @ChelseaQ, @Juan, @emiliman, @benchromatica020
@Matheus, @nacci, @Jeremy, @queenal19
@hiimer0s, @dayvisxn, @GagaXCollection, @Pabllo
@Twitter, @little_monster_amy, @Shan, @Tiffany, @Ray, @MiQuenDroid, @LittleMouse
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