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Lady Gaga Arrives in Paris Days Before the Olympics

Lady Gaga arrived in Paris today, a few days before the 2024 Summer Olympics ceremony. The singer was first seen this afternoon, arriving at her hotel in a blue denim hat and jacket.


A few hours later, she left the hotel in her car but paused before driving away to wave and blow kisses to her fans.



Later, she returned to the hotel and took some time to sign autographs and meet her fans.

Gaga’s arrival in Paris comes after speculation that she will perform at this year’s Olympic Games.

If so, this will be her first live performance since July 6, when she concluded the eighth leg of “Jazz & Piano” in Las Vegas.

The rumors started after a press release from the Olympics teased “a show on a grand scale with an eclectic mash-up of the old and the new.”

The Olympic Games will kick off on July 26, 2024.


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