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Lady Gaga To Receive "Higher Ground Award" at the 2021 Beloved Community Awards

The Beloved Community Awards will be honoring Lady Gaga, other individuals, as well as organizations that have made a social impact in the past year. This event will take place at The King Center in Atlanta, Georgia on January 16th from 7pm-9pm, with online access to the public.

This ceremony, which was originally named The Salute to Greatness Awards, recognizes those on a national and international level who are committed to and have pursued the quest for social justice and peaceful change in the world. This event takes place annually in preparation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States. Jennifer Hudson will present the Yolanda Denise King "Higher Ground" award to Lady Gaga. The Oprah Winfrey Network, Philanthropist Charles F. Feeney, and Mari "Little Miss Flint" Copeny are among the list of other honorees.

You can register for the free online event here, and follow TheKingCenter on Twitter for live updates.

Back in May 2020, Lady Gaga decided to raise her voice to speak about the ''systemic racism and corrupt systems that support it'' during the Black Lives Matter protests that took place after the tragic death of George Floyd.

''Right now is a critical time for the black community to be supported by all other communities so we can put a stop to something that is intrinsically wrong by the grace of God or whatever creator you do or do not believe in''

The next month, Lady Gaga decided to give away her Instagram account to some of the organizations she donated to, in an effort to amplify their voices, and some days later she appeared in Youtube's "Dear Class of 2020" revealing she had to rewrite her speech.

“You are watching what is a pivotal moment in this country’s evolution, you are watching society change in a deeply important way. This change will be slow, and we will have to be patient. But change will happen, and it will be for the better.”

Lady Gaga has continued to be a pioneer for universal social justice. Most recently, she has taken to Twitter to condemn the domestic terrorists that attacked the United States Capitol on January 6th and to demand the impeachment of President Trump.

For the full schedule of events and details during the King Holiday Observance, sponsorships, and ways to donate, visit thekingcenter.org.

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