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Lady Gaga performs at ‘One World: Together At Home’

The night Lady Gaga has been planning for nearly several weeks in collaboration with The Global Citizen and The World Health Organization has finally reached us. Gaga, along with her collaborators, came together to curate a night full of music and love felt messages from the biggest names in music, television, sports, politics, and film.

The special ran for a total of 8 hours, broken down into 6 hours of pre show telecast available on nearly every streaming platform, and followed by a 2 hour prime time tv special airing on numerous channels and streaming platforms worldwide. 

Lady Gaga herself opened up the prime time special with a thoughtful message to the world front line medical workers, mental health specialists and first responders.

Followed by her first performance of the night, a cover of Nat King Cole’s “Smile”:

All throughout the entire show Gaga celebrated her peers and friends while periodically going live through her Instagram to cheer on the broadcast watching live with everyone across the world. 
Joined by Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, John Legend and renowned pianist Lang Lang, Gaga closed the show with her star studded ensemble singing “Prayer”:

We at LadyGagaNow congratulate and applaud Lady Gaga, The Global Citizen and The World Health Organization for the beautiful and well thought out production they have crafted for the world with “One World: Together at Home.” and extend our hearts and gratitude out to everyone fighting this global pandemic around the globe. ❤️

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