Vanity Fair Italy interviewed Lady Gaga at the Dom Pérignon party in Los Angeles back in October.
You can read the translation below:
We are here celebrating a champagne that takes 10 years to turn into a Dom Pérignon. How much does it take for an artist to become Lady Gaga?
The truth is that you never stop becoming an artist because you never stop growing. You see, this era of high speed illudes us. Most people think that creativity comes from a temporary spark, something that makes you create impulsively. That's not the truth. In the process of creation, intuition is nothing without discipline, time, and work.
But where do you find your ideas and inspirations?
It's always different. Sometimes you reflect on a personal experience, or about something you read or saw. Other times my team sends me stuff to watch or read. Other times, and this is my favorite, another artist or creative person shows me an idea to ask my opinion. These last ones are my favorites because when you are lucky to create or dream with someone, then you are not just lucky but you can also fulfill your heart, your imagination. I always say this: "Find yourself someone to dream with."
Did you learn something from the champagne and from those who make it?
Oh yes, two things. The first is the loneliness in the wait, for the work. I'm obviously talking for myself, but the act of feeling alone in your creation sometimes it's as fundamental as the act of sharing with others the intuition that you elaborated on. Then, from Dom Pérignon I learned some values that I think are fundamental today: integrity, authenticity, and the quality of what you do. And you know what? Working with them taught me that in life, you have to surround yourself with people that always push you forward and who never obstacles your imagination. They never held me back, on the contrary, they always pushed me beyond. Maybe that's why Dom Pérignogn is such a legendary brand.
Do you feel like a legend?
Me? A legend? No, but I worked with legends like Tony Bennett. I'm not a legend. Maybe I don't even wanna be one. Let's just say that I want to live as a student because, in the end, only when you die, you can consider yourself a master.
You gave so much power to women. Today lots of women finally have the power and are changing things. What women inspire you today?
My women. My mother. My grandmothers. And my sister. They were wise women. I won't tell you who it was, but I was speaking with one of them about mental health, and how a person with mental health issues only dreams to be well. Then she replied: that's true, but a woman does not only dream about her own health, she also dreams for the health of all the people she cares about the most. Women are wise. And words like these remind me of another woman, another legend I admire a lot: Yoko Ono.
What do you want to become as a woman and as an artist?
Look, I'm trying to do my part, to be the artist and the woman I am today. But to be as wise as the women that raised me. That would be an important achievement.
Original interview by Simone Marchetti for Vanity Fair Italy.
Translation by LadyGagaNow.
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