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Lady Gaga releases 'Bloody Mary' Glow In The Dark Vinyl

Lady Gaga's hit single "Bloody Mary", from her 2011 album Born This Way is getting a release on 12" glow-in-the-dark vinyl and it's available for pre-order now.



This limited glow-in-the-dark vinyl with a special etched B side is available for pre-order for $20.00 on Gaga's official shop.

"Bloody Mary" went viral last year thanks to the Netflix show "Wednesday", prompting multiple reactions and videos on social media. In return, Lady Gaga's 2011 song became a single in selected countries over a decade later. 

The vinyl will be shipped on October 31, 2023, and it's available for pre-order on Lady Gaga's US shop HERE and in all her other international stores.

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