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Tara Savelo & Fernando Garibay Share Their Born This Way Memories

To celebrate ten years of Lady Gaga's iconic album 'Born This Way', LadyGagaNow hosted a very special listening party on 'Stationhead'. 

As a surprise for the fans that tuned in to listen, we invited along Gaga's incredible former makeup artist Tara Savelo and 'Born This Way' producer, Fernando Garibay.

The two iconic figures spent almost an hour chatting with us and answering our questions, revealing special, unheard stories from the legendary era and sharing their opinions on the timeless songs that make up the album. 

You can listen to the full conversation here:

We also gave out some physical CD's of fan favourite 'Born This Way' single 'Judas' to some lucky fans who joined us to celebrate the album. 

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