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Patrizia Reggiani on Lady Gaga in "Gucci" Movie

In a new interview with Italian Magazine Novella 2000Patrizia Reggiani spoke about Lady Gaga playing her in the upcoming Gucci movie. 

Reggiani was sentenced to 29 years in prison for arranging the death of her husband, Maurizio Gucci (grandson of Guccio Gucci). Lady Gaga will be taking on the role of Patrizia Reggiani in the new Ridley Scott film, set for release at the end of the year. 

In the latest interview, Reggiani praises Gaga:

"Yes it's true, she's gonna portray me and it so cool. I love her, who doesn't? She's a genius. At 4 she used to play piano like Mozart, and she was the youngest student to be admitted at the Columbia University in New York!*"

Adam Driver will star alongside Gaga, as Maurizio Gucci. The cast also includes Jared Leto, Al Pacino, and Jeremy Irons

Jared Leto has recently spoken about the upcoming film in an interview, click here to read about it.

*Lady Gaga actually attended NYU Tisch School of the Arts and not Columbia University.

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