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Lady Gaga surprises Little Monsters at Mastercard "Abracadabra" Contest

Lady Gaga surprised Little Monsters at the Mastercard "Abracadabra" dance contest.

The winners thought they were attending a class to learn the "Abracadabra" dance, little did they know Gaga was watching behind a mirror to surprise the fans.

The contest, held by Mastercard, invited fans to submit videos of them dancing to the critically-acclaimed song from Gaga's seventh studio album "MAYHEM".

A handful of dancers were chosen as winners for the contest and flown out to learn the iconic dance, choreographed by Parris Goebel. The fans danced alongside China Taylor, Gaga's longtime dancer and friend.

The fans were then invited to attend Gaga's "Club MAYHEM", a dance party created in collaboration with Mastercard to celebrate the release of the new album.

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Bondage Valley

Little Monsters

i like these band

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