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Lady Gaga Talks About Judy Garland, Presenting the Oscars and Haus Labs With Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair interviewed Lady Gaga to discuss the new chapter of her makeup brand: Haus Labs by Lady Gaga.

In the interview, Lady Gaga shared details about her vision for the brand, and the secret behind the new skin-care formula infused in all the new products.

She also talked about her dream for a hypothetical movie remake:

I think, in my dreams, I would have loved to have remade The Wizard of Oz and played Dorothy, It’s one of my favorites and I love Judy Garland, but I don’t know that I could ever, every write a song better than ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I love making music for movies, and I’m really interested in scoring movies in the future.

Vanity Fair also asked her about the possibility of hosting the Oscars one day:

"I absolutely would consider hosting the Oscars,” she says with measurable gravitas. “It’s a really wonderful thing to be able to make the public smile, and over a hundred million people watch the Oscars,” she reports. “It’s really a privilege to be a performer and to be an inventor in pop culture."

You can read the full interview on VanityFair.com and shop Haus Labs' new products at Sephora.com

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