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Lady Gaga Talks Haus Labs New Formula With PAPER

PAPER interviewed Lady Gaga about the new formula used for Haus Labs by Lady Gaga's new products released today by Sephora.

You can read an excerpt of the interview below.

When I started this company, I always wanted to empower people through makeup and give people that experience of feeling uplifted by makeup and artistry. But I was very much more of an expert in my own artistry, like my stage makeup or my red carpet makeup, and I was less knowledgeable about the beauty industry. So, I spent a lot of time really being a student of the beauty industry, researching product development, and learning what's truly of value to a customer. What I realized is that we just hadn't taken this brand far enough. I didn't make something that I felt was groundbreaking. I didn't make something that I thought really mattered yet. And then it started to crystallize for me that I wanted us to push the boundaries of the beauty industry and the landscape of beauty by pushing what it means to be clean and what it means to be good for your skin. So we now are supercharged clean artistry. We put supercharged skincare ingredients into our makeup, we are cleaner than clean, and we removed over 2,600 ingredients from all of our products.

On top of that, we have a huge assortment of amazing colors that are extremely high pigment, and we have a Pantone library system of sustainable packaging. So it's easy for you to find your shade. You're never gonna get home from Sephora and go, "Uh-oh, I got the wrong shade," because you’ll be able to see the color on the package. And to me, this is what people deserve. Not "How can I get makeup that Lady Gaga wears on TV or that she wears in movies or onstage?" You know, I've been putting dirty makeup on my face for a really long time and I’ve been wrecking my skin, and I wanted to make something truly innovative. And Marie, everybody told me I couldn't do it. They told me you cannot innovate in the beauty industry. You can't make color that is clean in that bright of pigment. They told me that I couldn't put proprietary ingredients into products and we infused both of these products — the Bio-Radiant Gel-Powder Highlighter and our Power Sculpt Velvet Bronzer. These are both infused with a patent pending, proprietary, fermented arnica that we made in a lab in Korea that was then sent over to Europe. This is a true innovation.

You can read the full interview on PAPERMAG.com and purchase the new products on Sephora.com


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