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Lady Gaga Forced to End Final Chromatica Ball Show Early in Florida

Lady Gaga brought her Chromatica Ball to the sold-out Hard Rock Stadium in Miami for the last show of the highly acclaimed Chromatica Ball Summer Stadium Tour. Unfortunately, the show ended half way due to lightning and weather conditions.

Gaga started the show in front of ~40,000 delighted fans in Florida, performing her well-established Chromatica setlist. There were brand new merch items for the fans in Miami: a special themed hoodie and a new "Fun Tonight" cap.

After multiple attempt to restart the show, Lady Gaga was force to stop the concert in the middle of her performance on the B-stage due to unforeseen weather conditions.

After approximately an hour of harsh rain and thunder, Gaga came on stage to announce that the Chromatica Ball show in Miami is canceled.

Gaga then went live on Instagram and posted a heartfelt message in regards the show's cancellation.

The last time Gaga performed in Florida was back in 2020 when she brought her Las Vegas residency to Miami during Super Bowl weekend for AT&T TV's Super Saturday Night. Gaga's comeback to Florida was nothing short of a spectacle with the ultimate show of The Chromatica Ball at the Hard Rock Stadium.

Lady Gaga was also spotted last night out and about in Miami, celebrating a birthday party with long-time friends, just a few hours before posting her fourth and last cover of V Magazine.

This concludes The Chromatica Ball Tour. Stay tuned for updates about the Chromatica Ball Tour Live version.

Until next time 💗 

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