Tatler has released an interview with Lady Gaga, discussing her highly impactful collaboration with Dom Pèrignon.
Read an excerpt of her interview below:
Gaga subscribes to similar beliefs, believing that adhering to an unwavering work ethic is necessary before relishing the joy of creative freedom. “Creative freedom is something that you have to earn, in a way; you have to work at it. It has to be a discipline in something that you practise,” she says. “Creative freedom blossoms when we share our creativity with others. Otherwise we start to create in a vacuum.”
The musician described director Knight as a force of nature, and embraced his vision for Dom Pérignon’s future as a “Queendom”, something that reflects the brand’s evolution. “This idea of Queendom was something that we all came up with together,” says Gaga.
“For me, it was a response to those who used to say that Dom Pérignon is the champagne of kings, and I said, ‘Well, next year it’s going to be the champagne of queens.’ I am all about dismantling systems that do not serve us, systems that caused suffering. The patriarchy gave birth to the idea that the kingdom was the greatest ‘dom’ of all. So here we declare the Queendom.”
Gaga’s collaboration with Dom Pérignon is an empowering reflection of the importance of working together, and of the values they share. “What is true freedom, true liberation to me, I believe, would be when humanity finds a new gravity of love—when we learn to live in a way that we have not lived yet,” she says.
Gaga’s partnership with Dom Pérignon began in April with the release of a fashion film directed by Nick Knight, set to an orchestral version of Chromatica track Free Woman. The film introduced fans to the Queendom, “a world where absolute creative freedom rules and runs free”.
To accompany the release of the film, Dom Pérignon unveiled a limited-edition sculpture designed by Gaga and Nicola Formichetti, encasing bottles of the luxury champagne. The sculptures were sold at private auctions in support of the Born This Way Foundation.
Read the full article on Tatler Magazine.
More information on the Dom Perignon x Lady Gaga partnership can be found here.
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