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Lady Gaga Urges Americans to Vote

Lady Gaga has been using her social media platform for good, encouraging Americans to register to vote and to cast their ballot for the upcoming United States Presidential Election. 

A visit to the singer's website, www.ladygaga.com, redirects you to a turbovote.org site that offers all the information and tools for a smooth voting process. The site welcomes you with a pop-up message from Lady Gaga herself, which reads: "The most important thing you can do today, and every day, until November 3rd is to get involved in this election. And one of the best ways you can do that is by joining me in signing up with TurboVote for election reminders and to get help with voter registration and voting by mail – all in one place. - Lady Gaga"

Gaga also addressed her fans by using her legal name, Stefani Germanotta, to explain the ease of TurboVote and the importance of voting. She captioned the video with: "If anyone else is NERVOUS ABOUT THIS ELECTION I found this site http://turbovote.org where it’s SUPER EASY to check voter registration, make a plan on how to vote, and sign up for reminders!! (My favorite ) 21 days until Election Day! Just sign up, and you’re set!" You can watch her video here

Along with redirecting website traffic and posting a how-to, Gaga brought more attention to TurboVote by creating an original song about voting, and sharing it on her Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Wanting to ensure that she catches everyone's attention, Lady Gaga has posted two gorgeous selfies, urging the public to vote. 

The first she shared with the caption: "It’s National Boss’s Day, a great day to check in with your boss on their plan for voting, so you can make yours if you haven’t already! http://HowTo.vote has everything you need to know, bring and do to vote."


The second selfie was caption with: "Happy Sunday!I’m sending love+a friendly reminder that your signature on your mail-in ballot needs to match your signature on file with your state.When I sign legal documents,I repeat Stefani Germanotta over+over quietly in my head so I don’t accidentally sign as Lady Gaga."


Make sure you exercise your right to vote on or before November 3rd, find all the information you need at: https://ladygaga.turbovote.org/

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